At what point should we decide that it is time for our ideas within the imagination and planning, manifest in the physical? If you are like me, you look to get your idea clearly pictured before sharing it to the outside world or applying it. Even though there is great benefit in getting plans together, over the years I have felt it also has areas of limitation in that process. An idea in the imagination phase miss on feedback, interactivity, and critique from others. External emotional influence is sometimes beneficial to reinforce potency of a given idea. Having these components added to an idea helps expand its dimension of reach and growth.
Let us get back to answering our initial question. At what point after the imagination phase do we share; or evaluate our ideas? how do we share it? Let us start with the first point. When we get an idea often it is vivid, and you can palpate the core of its essence to a degree. You may have revisited that idea in your imagination multiple times. Each time clearing the pathway to it position by probing on its feasibility and potential obstacles that are probable to restricting its manifestation. It is like you are in the middle of the jungle and your idea is far away at a mountain top. In front of you, miles of thick covered trees and shrubs are blocking your path. Each time on your journey(thought) you make small progress towards that mountain (idea) clearing a bit more path(obstacles).
At a certain point, your path will become clearer. Where you can now move freely along, with only minor obstacles present. This is one of the indicators that it is time to put the idea to action. As it has reached its capacity based off your personal input alone. At this point you can talk to other people or go into environments where your idea can live and interact in a scaled down version. Just so that you can get emotional feedback from people and environment outside of yourself. To give that in the context of our jungle analogy, let us say that you are now in the jungle on route to the mountain. You have however gained new insight and information that there are dangerous creatures that inhabits the jungle. Based on this new information which you would have gathered from feedback and review. Your tools and what you will equip yourself with, you now consider further based on the new data.
Another indicator that your idea has reached its cap point, based off your input alone. Would be, if each time you revisit that idea you can no longer go beyond your previous cycle of thought. To clarify, let us say you have an idea and you have done planning and even started making progress. At certain point however, you felt there was something missing because you are not able to progress past the block. You keep revisiting that idea to fill in the blank after certain time (weeks, months, years) and still cannot pass and you remain in the same place. To use the analogy of the jungle again - it is like on your route to the mountain. You reach a large, dark, heavy patch, and become lost in that space and do not which direction to go. This is a great indicator to expand on your knowledge of the environment or it is time to bring in external influence to assist with expanding capacity. The more time you spend without this resource or information the dire circumstance becomes, and time turn to a palpable constraint to our mission. The skillset or resource should be one that gives you the latest information and data that you may have been lacking. When coupled alongside with your personal experience it should be specific and one that gives possibilities to expand or extend pass the current limitation. |